Saturday, November 16, 2013

New painting

So for the last couple weeks we've been working on color theories and painting using color. anyways one assignment was to create a character and render it with the color theories we talked about. I decided to make this reptilian humanoid who was a slave, fighting in the pits, but when he earned his freedom, he became one of the most well payed mercenaries in the land. Hope you like it!


Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Environment and more edges

this week my teacher wanted us to work on a piece that was an environment. the only requirement was that it existed in the 'Prometheus' movie universe, my favorite scene was the map room from that movie so I decided to give it a shot. It took some time to figure out and get the lighting to look good. anyways this was last week's work. Hope you enjoy! After the value render I decided to add a bit of color too. :]
